Friday, December 31, 2010

Status Game

Status game is sooo interesting..because we can get to know ourselves from other people's perspectives..what they think about us and what they feel about us..what we have to do is, just inbox our number to our friends that play this game..then, they'll write briefly what they think about us on their is a secret between us and the status owner actually..but i think its not a big thing to keep as a, i'll share some with my readers.. =)) Maybe this game looks a lil bit childish..but who cares? as long as we enjoy the game..hehe..

‎9.99... Think dat U have ur own ego. Trying very hard to achieve ur goal in ur life. Well disciplined to time and rules. Have obsession to cute n sweet things. Shy person n have a nice smile. U r gonna be a loyal n loving wife n mother to sumone in da future... N great doc too.. :) " 

~quoted from Ainin 


Reply comment: 
1) my own ego?? bingo!! thats right dear.. because sumtimes, i feel like my ego is going too far beyond the boundary..I tend to be perfectionist..i'm easily felt irritated when something is going wrong and not following the right track..
2) try very hard to achieve goal?? hehe..yeah..sumtimes i do but i think i'm lazy..hehe
3) obsession to cute n sweet things??hehe,,dats right..thats why i'm a shopaholic..=))
4) shy person?? hehe..actually, i hace a really low self esteem..thats why..huhu
5) nice smile?? thanks dear..every people who smile is beautiful!! because 'smile' itself is beautiful..rite? =))
6) loyal loving wife n mother?? oh dear..this is my favourite part..insyaAllah..thats my dream.. =))

5000: len amik dr 1-2011..dy amik 5000..pelik..tuk sape2 yg bajet dri tuh ensem, berduit, pandai n softspoken, sila contact sy tuk bekenalan dgn minah 5000 nih..dy cantek tau tak?! sy bangga dgn dy, sbb even dy cantekk n vogue! tapi dy tak gedik2 mcm pompuan2 yg tak cantekk tuh..haha kawan smpi ujung nyawa ye awak? :D

~ quoted from Naddo ~

Reply comment:
1) 5000..actually i forgot, the number is limited to 2010 only..5000 reminds me of my abah.. i once asked my abah, why he likes 5000 very number WCA 5000, my phone number, 01*-***5000 ma and abah's phone number too..then, he replied, he told me to study hard, get a good job and good salary, at least rm5000..haha..thats why..
2) cantek?? ahaaa..i guess u're kidding naddo..cantek tu subjektif kan? so, semua orang pun cantek..=))
3) vogue?? ahaa..not really la..i'm just a kampung girl with baju kurung..hehe
4) tak gedik?? hehe..that's a compliment..saye ada prinsip..biar orang cakap jual mahal, asal jangan jual murah..tak mampu beli xpe, at least ada usaha untuk kumpul duit.. kalau murah sgt, jumpa syiling tepi jalan pun da mampu beli kan? tak kesahla membunjang pun..hehe =))
4) takmau lah kawan sampai ujung nyawa!! nak kawan sampai akhirat boleh ke awak? =))
5) thanks ye.. =))

To Ainin aka BlackHeron: 

Saye first kenal awak masa kite sama2 SGD masa first rasa awak budak pandai..sebab awak budak pasum n sri, sy pun jadila rendah diri..hehe..Dalam diam-diam, saye sangat kagum dengan awak..awak sangat unik tauu?? sangat pandai puisi dlm blog awak tu sy tak paham? hehe..i think u're a goal directed person..n well orientated, in a same time sgt creative..apa yang awak belajar dlm kelas, mesti awak adapt dgn semua sy baca dlm blog tau! hehe.. and every entries u post, u always put me in awe!! Jadi doktor yg baik ye! nnt baca poem dekat patient.. =))

To Naddo Sarip:

Kite baru je rapat kan? ni semua sbb fb..thanks to fb! hehe..and the geng topi parti..the party really entighten our rasa kamu sgt pelik! haha..sebab semua yg awak ckp, saya rasa wow!! hehe..benda yg org x penah fikir, awak fikir! hebat sgt!! hehe..awak pun sangat baik!! saye suke..auwwww..
Jom strive jd doktor yg baik..yeah!!! 

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Arranged marriage???

*gambar ni pun dah cukup buat aku kelu*


Semalam pergi wedding cazen/bestfriend abah dekat Renaissaunce..
Pelamin dia cantik sangat.. 

Tempat makan beradab tu pun cantik sangat..

Tapi saye takdela pulak terpikir/terberimaginasi nak kawen..
Ye la..calon pun tak ada lg..takkan nak bersanding sorang-sorang kot..

But suddenly, ma offer sesuatu yang enough untuk stimulate body untuk buat sympathetic action..
Offer yang tak pernah dibuat orang lain sepanjang hidup saye selama 20tahun nie..
Ma bagitau, ma nak suruh saye berkenalan dengan anak kawan dia..
Eh bukan kawan biasa..tapi bestfriend dunia akhirat katanya..
???????? Apa nie ma?? Cukup sudden la ma!
Dia nak tanya kebenaran saye dulu sebab takut-takut saye marah nnt..
Dia cakap, mak candidate tu risau, kot2 saya dah ada calon sendiri..
Saye pulak speechless+terkejut macam apa..

Ma dan saye~

Lagi, ma siap tanya, macam mana kalau orang nak cari saye dalam facebook sebab ma xtau sgt pasal komputer nie..
Hadoi ma!!. Ma!! Apa nie!!!!!!!!
"Dia budak medic kat Mesir, rasanya dah final year..tahun depan habis la kot ngaji"..
Mendengarkan penyataan ini, lagi stimulate peripheral vessels saye dilate..
Naturalnya, muka memang dah merah..kalau vasodilate, dah jadi warna macam bendera Kelate..

Final year tu lg saye takut..maksudnya dia dah nak kerja.. 
Bukan ke common bg budak medic, lepas dapat kerja je terus kawen?
Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Poning kopalo den..semalaman xdapat focus pasal offer ma td..
Tiba-tiba rasa mcm cerekarama..
Saye ingat arranged marriage dah tak wujud dalam kehidupan sekarang tapi??
Kena batang hidung sendiri der!

Kalau ma tanya setuju ke tak nak berkenalan?
Jawapannya just ada YES or NO je..
Kalau cakap NO, apa reasonnya?
Nak cakap dah ada calon? Memang takdelah..Kat mana saye nak cekau calon tunjuk kat ma?
Kalau nak cakap YES, takkanla..
Saye takdela desperata sangat..haha..
Common men!! I'm just a 20year old kid yang masih menangis..
Tak de pun keinginan nak berkenalan..
Sebab bagi saye, kalau dah berkenalan, kena lanjutkan terus ke ________.
Tak berani nak cakap, takut masin mulut..

Mintak-mintak ma tak ambik action seterusnya..
Mintak-mintak ma just saja-saja nak tanya superficially je..
Ma risau sangat ke anak perempuan bongsu ma x penah ada boyfriend sampai sekarang?
Ilek ar ma!! Kan ma selalu cakap Onie macam baby lg..

*tapi suatu ketika dahulu, saye penah mimpi pasal nie..tapi masa tu x bgtau sape2..ingatkan toys tidur..haha..tengok2..mimpi saye yang saye tak cite kat sape2 selalu jd kenyataan..pelik sungguh..apakah mungkin ia menjadi realiti nnt?tp mimpi tu pasal tgh tunggu candidate tu datang umah..ala-ala taaruf dalam ayat-ayat cinta..haha..apakah ini semua????????* 

apa-apapun, saya tak kesah sape2 je..saye yakin kalau dah jodoh, itulah jodoh saye..saye terima seadanya..tapi situasi terlalu abrupt lah ma..haaaiii!huh!

*Ya Allah, aku serahkan segalanya kepadaMu..Hidup dan matiku adalah ketentuanMu..Kurniakan petunjukMu kepada hambaMu yang lemah ini ya Allah..Jika benar dia jodohku, satukan hati-hati kami di dalam redhaMu..Jika dia bukan untukku, aku mohon, aku tidak mahu mencintai sesorang yang bukan hak..Semaikan cinta aku kepada seseorang yang bakal bergelar suamiku sahaja Ya Rabb..Permudahkanlah urusan aku didunia dan akhirat Ya Allah..Ameen..*


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Today is a bad luck day

It was just a BAD-BAD day..i've no idea but the day went really BAD..
Very eventful PBL(problem based learning) discussion should be at 9.30am..
I came at 7.50am!!! of course not for pbl lah, but for the 'totally spies meeting'..
We finished out meeting at 9.10 so that we can arrive early for pbl..
Rushing to the BPSP (where tutorial/pbl is held)..
As usual, i'm the first person to arrive..
Even if i thought i was late, still, i'm the earliest.. *sigh*
I'm born to wait for people, i guess..
We waited until 10am..dr is still not coming..
Called dr..dr asked us to go to A&E(casualty) dept..
We waited another 45minutes there..
Huh..10.45am! Finally, we started our pbl..
And i know nothing about gynaecology..'s my fault for not preparing..
But please..i am very very tired..
It's not because i'm spending my time doing nonsense stuff..
I'm spending my whole night and dawn to study!
I've to read about clinical obstetric, prepare my topics for study group presentation.. 
But, who wants to listen to my reasons?
Lecturer? Naaaahh..
I am a student..I shouldn't gave that silly reason for not preparing for the's a no-no ok!
Oh, i hate myself today..only for today lah..huh..I just wrongly managed my time last night..
I should read on gynaecology..Hisssssssshhh..
Now, i'm blaming myself..

Next, lecture on Amenorrhea and Dysmenorrhea, start on 11.30am..
11.35am, we're still at A&E dept.. blood pressure suddenly increase..
Shooting up high..very high..
I really can't tolerate when it comes to time..
Ran to the lecture hall..having shortness of breath.. *i'm suffering from astma*
Because of 'time', i ignored my dyspnea..keep running..
A&E dept and lecture hall is quite a distance, enough to put me into breathlessness..
We're sooooo late for the lecture..8 minutes! really can't tolerate..
I can;t blame the lecturer, if she was irritable of our late presence..
But, i also cannot blame myself for the lateness..
Huh..i lost my mood for today..
Ok Ok..i'm not blaming on anyone..
This is what we called, a bad day..
Everyone has a bad day..

I really hate myself..i'm blaming me..
Poor me.. =(

The first event is a good stressor..
But the second event, it really sucks!!
Alhamdullilah, i enjoyed the evening clinical session..with mummy and her baby in the womb..

p/s: doctor, sorry, i'm late.. =(
       i promise i'll be a good student!!
       i'll read all about gynaecology tonight!!
       YEAHHHHH!! *high spirited again*

Thursday, December 23, 2010

~Water Therapy~

minum jangan tak minum..ehehe..

 I have a target to drink at least 3L of plain water per day..equals to 2 large bottled water..This is actually part of my diet plans.. i've read some articles regarding water and diet.. Don't be surprise, the colder the water you drink, the harder the body works to cut your calories.. This study was done in Durham in 1997.. seems like a new findings.. Our granny always prohibit us from drinking cold water.. buncit katanya.. this was a mitos! Lucky me, i love cold water!! I can't live without ice.. hehe

This is the proposed hypothesis..not sure if it has been proven or not.. tapi, sebab suka sgt iced water, then i just believe it..haha.. Lagipun, it is logic kot!

"Science" Behind the Water Diet

  • The theory behind the Water Diet is that when cold water is ingested, the body burns extra calories to heat the water up to a body temperature of 98.6 degrees F. The colder the water, the harder the body works to warm up the water. Therefore, even more calories would be burned if a dieter drinks very cold water. Additionally, drinking water in between or with meals gives dieters a sense of fullness, making them less likely to want to eat. Because the kidneys must work to process water, it is also said that the Water Diet results in toxins being flushed from the body.

  • Read more:

    As a result, i had a diuretic phase..sort of irritating.. rushing to toilet every 15minutes..i think i have to get toilet attach to my silap..attach to my study table..hehe,, *nak suruh nampak mcm studyhard* But then, my body maybe have been used to water adapting body..good! cepat tangkap! hehe..

    Inilah tumbler comel saye..Kena habiskan at least 4 botol ni per day..
    p/s: dasar botol nampak kuning kan?hehe..air kampus tercinta memang penuh nutrient especially ferum.. =))

    Kalau x guna tumbler, so kena habiskan at least 2 botol ini per day.. =))

    Tambahan lagi, from my reading, tak ada pun istilah gemuk air.. gemuk sebab makan banyak ade, no worries.. plain water is the healthiest water..lagi banyak kita minum, lagi banyak dia flush out toxic from our body.. Semangat!! hehe.. =))

    Tuesday, December 14, 2010

    Lucky me..

    I'm lucky i'm not that rich,
    If not, i may only win the heart of a bitch ..

    I'm lucky i'm not that genius,
    If not, i won't appreciate those hard works..

    I'm lucky i'm not that gorgeous,
    If not, i may fascinate all men's eyes..

    I'm lucky i'm not that pious,
    If not, i may end up feeling self-righteous..

    I'm lucky i'm not that angelic,
    If not, i may trust lies, even a simple trick..

    I'm lucky i'm not that innocent,
    If not, i may let myself killed by a soft seduction..

    I'm lucky i'm not that perfect,
    If not, i may think others are not worth looking at..

    Lucky me..
    I'm just an average somebody..

    ~ Fadzleen Ezyani ~

    Friday, December 10, 2010

    Respeklah MASA.. Tolonglah!!!

    "Saya sudah terdidik menghormati masa"

    "Saya respek masa lebih dari saya respek orang"

    "Awak tak hormat masa? Maaf, sukar bagi saya nak hormat awak"

    ::: Amboi..sombongnya kau? :::

    Maaflah.. Saya bukan sombong.. Tapi sudah terdidik menghormati masa..
    Perkara yang paling IRRITATING bagi saya ialah bila orang tak hormat masa atau dengan kata lain, tak punctual..
    Soalan berlegar di minda saya:
    1) Susah sangat ke nak be on time? I can manage, why can't u?
    2) Selesa ke rasa buat orang lain tertunggu-tunggu? I don't feel right..u?

    Seriously saya cakap, saya cukup frustrated dengan golongan-golongan yang tak pandai hargai masa ni.. Especially kalau golongan-golongan itu adalah medical students.. Bukankah kamu-kamu ni bakal doktor? You'll be dealing with lives right? 4 minutes late will result in death.. Oh man.. I'm worry.. Who are the candidates to be a safe doctor in future? Is there any? *sigh*

    Hmm.. lagi IRRITATING dalam case students sampai lewat dari cikgu/lecturer.. Where is your respects towards your teacher? Is Millenium student has lose their respects to teachers? If your teachers manage to be on time, to teach you, so why can't you afford to be punctual? Ingatlah kawan.. Dalam kita menuntut ilmu ni, kita bukan setakat mahu kaut semua ilmu tu.. tapi, carilah keberkatannya juga.. Senangkan hati guru kita.. Tak perlulah study sampai nak mati untuk berjaya, tapi belajarlah dalam barokah..

    Hmm.. lagi satu perkara yang sangat-sangat IRRITATING.. bila orang-orang yang preach pasal agama, tapi lansung tak tunjuk respek dekat masa.. Yes.. Amar ma'ruf nahi munkar.. I respect those who do that.. Itu memang responsibility kita as a Muslim.. But why? Why friends? Why your always having difficulty when it comes to time management? 
    " Demi MASA, Sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian kecuali, orang-orang yang beriman, dan beramal soleh dan orang yang menasihati dalam kebenaran dan kesabaran"
    Amar ma'ruf nahi munkar dah betul..tapi, datang kelas lewat.. tak tepati masa.. bukan ke tak tele tu??
    Then, i wonder, macam mana kamu manage waktu solat kalau tak tahu nak punctual dalam hal-hal lain? Hmm..

    Saya tulis post pasal punctuality ni, macam la saya tak pernah lewat kan? 
    Semua orang have their bad day kan? 
    Habis tu korang yang tiap-tiap hari lewat tu, hari-hari bad day ke apa?

    PESANAN KEPADA BAKAL DOKTOR dan kepada semua-semua jugak la..


    Brothers and sisters,

    People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered,
    Love them anyway...

    People may criticize you for your slightest mistake, even you've been doing loads of good deeds,
    Listen to them anyway...

    If you do good, people will accuse you for selfish, have motives,
    Do good anyway...

    If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies,
    Succeed anyway...

    The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow,
    Do good anyway...

    Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable,
    Be honest and frank anyway...

    The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind,
    Think big anyway...

    What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight,
    Build anyway...

    People really need help but may attack you if you help them,
    Help people anyway...

    Give the world the best you have and you might get kicked in the teeth,
    Give the world the best you have anyway...

    REMEMBER : When life pushes you down, PUSH BACK!! That's why you are here.. Don't let anything stop you..

    p/s: don't be racist! please!!

    Wednesday, December 1, 2010

    ~Everything has it's FIRST TIME~

    There MUST be a FIRST TIME for everything..

    Kerana berpegang kepada kata-kata inilah, saya cabar diri sendiri buat perkara di luar fitrah diri saya..haha..mungkin fitrah bagi orang lain tapi bukan saya.. Haha.. Tak ada lah perkara hebat pun tapi bagi saya, ia adalah suatu perkara yang sangat luar biasa bagi seorang 'The Loner'.. Semalam, 30 November 2010, saya present case kat kuliah..Case Presentation on Mood Disorder - Bipolar Disorder(kecelaruan perasaan) sempena Block Psychiatry ni.. haha.. unbelievable ok!! Seorang 'The Loner' pegi bercakap entah apa-apa dekat depan khalayak ramai.. Medical students ada 218orang.. campur dental students lagi and doktor sorang..

    Oh my God..apa saya dah buat ni?? haha.. rasa cam sangatlah memalukan..meh nak cite pengalaman saya.. Malam sebelum hari presentation tu memang saya dah tak dapat tidur..begitulah saya..anxiety yang melampau-lampau.. Siap rasa macam ada auditory hallucination lagi malam tu..haha..entah apa-apa.. Bangun subuh awal gile, and pegi kuliah awal gile.. Betapa berdebarnya saya Allah yang tahu..Masa nak dekat-dekat nak present dah, lebih kurang 10minit lagi, jantung saya macam nak pecah..tiba-tiba saya ada diarhoea hari extremities tahap mayat dalam peti beku..rasa loya nak muntah semua ada..haha..teruk betul alahan nak present ni.. Tapi, masa mula-mula pegang microphone, saya taktahu dari mana kekuatan saya datang.. Secara tiba-tiba.. Mungkin berkat ' Bismillahirrahmanirrahim' yang saya baca di awal speech..Haha..Kelakarnya rasa dekat diri sendiri..Semuanya sebab berpegang pada kata-kata azimat kat atas tu..Terpaksalah saya redah segala kecelaruan perasaaan saya sendiri..hehe..

    Tapi, alhamdulillah..semuanya smooth bangat.. Memanglah banyak kesalahan dalam history taking and Mental State examination, tapi doktor baik sangat.. dia ajar kami.. Tapi, saya tak tahulah macam mana reaksi audience..Nampak cam diammmm je.. dorang dengar atau tidak, entah lah..

    Lepas present, ramai la pulak yang hantar mesej, and komen secara live presentation saya.. Tanpa dipinta.. Haha.. At least, saya dapat tahu tindak balas diorang.. Ramai yg wish 'Congratz'.. saya tak tahu lah apa maksudnya tu..ikhlas atau tidak.. anyway, thanks buddies.. Ada sorang Chinese friend cakap, "It is very nice..It just perfect! Seems really well prepared..Next time u have to be my consultant".. haha..tiba-tiba saya macam terkesima..ikhlas ke tak kawan saya yang seorang ni? ke nak aiskrim? haha.. anywat, thanks girl for that comment!

    YahhhH!!! Tak kesahla macam mana pun..
    At least, I've make my first time!!

    Awak mungkin suka baca ini :

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